Friday, March 13, 2009


So I have really fallen behind in blogging. Two months behind. It is shameful. And I do not even have a good excuse besides just life in general. We have all been sick in our household at some point the last two months. Tobey has been sick twice with high fevers lasting 4 or 5 days. He ended up with an ear infection one of those times. I have had several things to blog about but just haven't seemed able to get to it. We took Tobey on his first camping trip a couple of weeks ago. We drove out to Possum Kingdom which is west of Fort Worth. We were going to stay two nights but a cold front came in the first night. We stayed warm in our sleeping bags but woke up to some very frigid weather outside our tent. The wind was so strong that it was miserable hanging outside. Tobey ate his breakfast inside the tent. Rodney and I were brave and ate at the picnic table. We quickly decided to cut our trip short. We were packed and ready to leave by noon. It was still a fun trip and I can't wait to do it again when it is warmer. We really want to rent a boat and take Tobey out on the water and Rodney wants to take him fishing. 

Rodney's sister and her husband flew in last weekend and we had a baby shower at our house for her. She looked so cute. Her little belly was round and perfect. We can't wait to meet our new niece. Tobey talks about his baby constantly. Lately he has been asking "is my baby out yet?".  He is so much fun these days. His favorite things to do right now are painting, playing with play dough, blowing bubbles outside, and racing. So he is always asking us if we want to race or if we want to play with him. And he says some of the funniest things lately. And he says them deliberately to make you laugh. Sometimes this is not a good thing because he likes to try to make us laugh when we are disciplining him.  He has also started justifying his wrong behavior. The other night he would not sit still and finish his dinner and when I got on to him he innocently responded, "Mooom, I'm just playing".  Of course I responded back, "Well we do not play at the dinner table, we eat".  It feels weird having these developed conversations with my baby. But then I remember that my baby is 3 and a half years old. His new obsession is his superman pajamas that Mimi bought for him. As soon as he got home from school today he had to put them on and race around the house with his red cape flying in the breeze. I have lots of pictures to post and more to say about our camping experience which I will try to get to this week but for now I will sign out with a picture of my little superboy.


Amanda said...

Such cute jammies! We miss y'all!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Love the superman pjs!

I find myself having developed conversations with Ava too. Ridiculous how old they are now!

P.S. Ava LOVES marshmallows too.