Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer Fun!

It has been a while since I have blogged but life has been a little busy lately. One thing I love about summer is that it is a time to reconnect with old friends especially those who are teachers and work hard during the school year. Almost all of my close friends are teachers and are busy during the week when I am not. And are free on the weekends when I am working. A couple of weekends ago I took Friday night off and we made a trip to Canton to visit the Johnson clan. The boys grilled steaks Friday night that were delicious. We ate and had good conversation while the kids ran around the house totally entertaining themselves. Before dinner I had some grown up conversation with Julianne. I remember playing with her when she was a baby. Rodney and I had just married and she is the reason I got baby fever so quick. Now she is in elementary school and so smart. Tobey had so much fun playing with the twins and their toys. He is finally catching up to them in size. On Saturday we woke up to a big breakfast that Jason cooked for us. We always eat well when we go to Canton. Then we played some Mexican Train (dominoes) and I was so proud of Rodney for actually playing. For the record I won. That afternoon we ventured out to First Monday because Rodney had never been. It was hot, very hot. We immediately purchased snow cones and found some shade. We had fun looking around. I saw lots of cute decorating stuff for the house but didn't buy a thing. I did buy Tobey some clogs. The rest of our money was spent on food which was probably the better choice. As we were leaving the boys were so sweet and held Tobey's hand in the parking lot. It was a great little visit!

I also purchased a season pass to Hawaiian Falls for the summer. My teacher friends Mindy and Suzanne also purchased one. All of our kids get in for free so it seemed like a good investment and a good way to get out of the house this summer. Mindy and I went last week and the kids had a blast. They lasted a whole four hours. Tobey loved the little water slide this year. Last year I had to go down with him. This year he was so brave and went down over and over and over. Emma and Tobey also walked around holding hands. It was really cute.

I have a really bad mommy blunder to share. Last week we drove to Oklahoma to spend the night with my mom. Tobey and I got a hotel room because my brother was occupying her guest room. Plus we had some points built up so the room was free. This hotel had a pool so we decided to take my niece and nephew with us to the pool. I was a little frazzled loading three kids into my car two of which are in carseats. I plopped Tobey in his seat and then moved around to get my nephew into his. My mom was recovering from minor surgery and couldn't do any lifting. Then we drove off. We were several blocks away and I glanced in the backseat and Tobey was not in his carseat. I just about had a heart attack. All kind of crazy thoughts ran through my head. I immediately pulled over and as I was looking in the rear view mirror my son's little face peeked up from behind the backseat. In all the chaos of trying to protect my brother's children I forgot to buckle my own son in he carseat. He took advantage of the situation and quietly crawled out of his seat and was having a good ole time in the back cargo area. He was not very happy when I returned him to his seat and buckled him in.

Now I am off to get a pedicure with friends. My first one for the summer. Yay me! Then we are meeting for my bestie Melissa's birthday celebration. Yum!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! We all have those mommy moments, don't we? Hawaiian falls looks like so much fun!

Janelle and Ella said...

What and where is Hawaiian Falls? It looks so fun. Ella and I need to join you guys. That picture of Tobey looking at Emma cracks me up. His face is priceless.

Glad you guys are having a great summer so far. We need to reunite our playgroup!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Sounds like a great time this summer, so far!

I love Hawaiian Falls! What a great idea to get a summer pass.

For the record, I've done the same thing with Ava in a Kohl's parking lot. And there weren't even other kids to distract me!

Anonymous said...

I read this blog a few weeks ago when you posted it, but something happened as we left Hawaiian Falls last Wednesday that I thought I would share. You know how it is when you are ready to leave...tote everything a mile back to the car, turn the car on to cool it off, get everything loaded in the car, hold your child's hand so they don't run into traffic...I was trying to hurry out of there because someone was waiting on my spot and I was too concerned about a perfect stranger to take care of my own daughter. Well, I was backing out of the parking spot and noticed that Emma was not buckled into her carseat. Unlike Tobey, she was telling me the whole time, "Buckle up, Mommy, buckle up." I was too involved in my own little world to not hear what she was saying. I stopped the car in the middle of backing out, totally blocking traffic in both directions to get her in correctly and I thought of you!