Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tagged-8 things about me

My sweet friend Becca tagged me so here goes:

1. Heroes
2. Mentalist
3. Life
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. The Office
6. David Letterman (sometimes)
7. Conan (sometimes)
8. Curious George=)

8 THINGS THAT HAPPENED ME TODAY: (How about yesterday-nothing much has happened so far today)
1. Woke up to a little voice in my ear "wake up Mommy"
2. Made cinnamon toast & a pumpkin spice latte. 
3. Sat on the couch and read while Tobey watched cartoons
4. Built a fire 
5. Was amazed when I looked outside and saw tiny snowflakes falling
6. Wrapped Christmas presents
7. Had dinner at Olive Garden with my husband and we saw Four Christmases afterwards
8. Finished up Christmas cards before bed

1. Christmas Day
2. New Years Eve in Seattle
3. a new nephew/niece due in May
4. taking Tobey to Disney world (hopefully soon)
5. my sister's high school graduation in May
6. the Revelations Bible Study at my church starting in January
7. the day Tobey realizes who Jesus really is and how much He loves us and he embraces that truth
8. a girl's night out with friends soon

8 THINGS I WISH FOR: (this one is hard)
1. a cute little house in the country
2. a cold cold winter with some snow on the ground
3. for all of Tobey's food allergies to just disappear
4. a new addition to our own family
5. For my master bathroom to be completed
6. For Tobey's new bedroom remodel to be started
7. a grand vacation anywhere
8. a completely potty trained little boy=)

4. Lori
6. Shey


Amanda said...

Oh Cassi, I wish those allergies would just go away for y'all! I know that must be really hard to deal with day in and day out. As for a grand vacation, you and Rodney should go where we went in Mexico - El Dorado Royale. It was amazing and the Mayan Riviera is so easy to get to from Texas. Love ya!

Becca said...

I hope we get snow this year too!! I love cold long as I am snuggled up inside! HA!