Saturday, December 13, 2008


Tobey is going to have a baby cousin. My sister-in-law and her husband were in town last weekend and gave us some very exciting news. They are expecting their first child and we are so excited. They came into town late afternoon last Sunday. We were already at Rodney's parents waiting for them to arrive. Shanna called Rodney's cell phone and asked if they could meet us at our house and to bring Tobey. Rod was a little confused and she just said it would all make sense later. So we met at our house and they pulled out this shirt that Shan made for Tobey. It says, "I know I look ecstatic. It's because I have a cousin on the way."

Then we headed back to Mimi & PawPaw's house and Tobey got to share the news about his baby cousin. It was so much fun watching them read the shirt and seeing the moment they realized what it meant. PawPaw threw his hand over his mouth and teared up. Mimi & Aunt Biz (Elizabeth) both stared at the shirt for what seemed like minutes and then gasped out loud. Mimi hugged Shan and then retreated to the kitchen for a few minutes. When she came back you could tell she had been crying. It was all so incredibly sweet and I have had such a grateful heart all week for this new child coming into our family and that I have the great privilege to be apart of Rodney's family and to share in their joy for each other. I love them all so much! Shan is still feeling nauseous but she has that mother's glow already. She has started showing and Tobey was a little fascinated by her belly especially after we told him his baby cousin was in there. He was a little confused because he asked if he had a baby in his tummy too. I love this picture of him pointing to Shan's tummy.

They left the following day and we really enjoyed their short little visit. Tobey rode with Mimi & PawPaw to take Shanna & Jeff to the airport and they said he cried so hard when both of them got out of the car. Thankfully we will see them in three weeks because we are going to Seattle for New Years Day! Yay!

I have so much more to blog about but I need to get ready for our Sunday School Christmas Party. So I will blog about my 30th birthday at a later date. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Amanda said...

That is so awesome! Yeah! I got tears in my eyes reading about all of your reactions. I could picture it so well. What a dear family. Props to Shana for being able to keep a secret for so long that she was already showing!

Becca said...

Congratulations to Shanna and Jeff! Tobey will just love having a cousin and you and Rodney will make such a precious aunt and uncle! So fun!!! What a great Christmas surprise!

Becca said...

Congratulations to Shanna and Jeff! Tobey will just love having a cousin and you and Rodney will make such a precious aunt and uncle! So fun!!! What a great Christmas surprise!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

So exciting! Congratulations to the soon-to-be aunt, uncle, and cousin!

How fun that they came in town! And how lucky y'all are to be going to see them for New Years Day! I'm so jealous!

And, Happy Birthday! 30s are the new 20s!

Janelle and Ella said...

We were so excited when Pat emailed all of us!!! She came in later that day and was GLOWING with excitement. She told us she had to go to the kitchen like 3 times because she kept crying. :-) Y'all are so sweet.