Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 4th

This year we went out to my Aunt's house in Waxahachie. Rodney was excited because we were able to do our own fireworks. I personally prefer watching them but it was fun to watch his excitement. Tobey played with his cousins. He played hard too. I don't think he stopped moving the whole time we were there.

After dinner we all jumped in the pool. The pool was small so for fun we all swam in one direction and made a whirlpool. I think this went on for an hour. At least we burned our dinner calories off. By the time we got out of the pool it was time for fireworks.

We ladies sat chairs up in my Aunt's driveway and watched the boys have their fun. My cousin Nikki had the great idea of buying those glow in the dark necklaces and sticks. Each person wore one so we could see where everybody was. Tobey refused to wear his so I looped it through his back belt loop when he wasn't looking. It came in handy when he wanted to walk down the driveway with Daddy to light some fireworks. I knew where he was by following the round circle about a foot off the ground. I was very nervous the whole time and much relieved when the fireworks were all over. The boys did put on a pretty good show though.

Tobey held his first sparkler and was not very impressed. He was more impressed with the gazillion bikes laying around my Aunt's driveway. I missed the second half of the "show" because Tobey had to test drive every bike he could get his hands on.

By the end of the night he was so tired he could barely stay on this bike. We had a wonderful celebration with family but the best part-Tobey slept until 10am the next morning. It was wonderful!


Janelle and Ella said...

Go Tobey sleeping till 10:00!!
Glad you guys had a fun 4th. It sounds really fun. I love doing our own fireworks, but we haven't been able to do that since I was little.
Cassi, for many of my young years, my parents had a big above ground round pool and I have SO MANY memories of us all walking in a circle to make a huge whirlpool! Your story just brought back so much.

Julie and Alberto Robles said...

Aww! Poor Tobey the Sleepy Bike Tester! They'll be thanking you later when their children are not being injured by collapsing bicycles.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Yes, I too, have many memories of walking in the same direction in above the ground pools. So fun!

I was nervous this year too with the guys setting off fireworks!

Charity said...

Hey girl! I can't believe how fast these kids are growing! Tobey is getting so big!

I haven't been a very good blogger lately since going back to work full-time! It is kicking my booty!

Glad I am getting some time to catch up! Hope the rest of your summer is full of fun!