Friday, July 18, 2008

Silly Glasses

Who knew so much fun could be derived from a cheap pair of plastic sunglasses that Tobey got out of a kid's meal. He played with them for several hours one afternoon. It started out as me trying to take a picture of him with the glasses on. He made a game of it by putting his glasses on and then running and plopping down on me. Each time his glasses would fall off and we would start all over again. He was cracking me up because he had to scrunch his face up to try to keep the glasses from falling down. Then I just started snapping pictures and I got some really funny mid-air, mid-jump snapshots. They really show his silly side. I did manage to get one sweet smiling shot before the silliness began. I have been such a slacker on blogging lately but we are just enjoying the summer and the days have been passing by so quickly. Tobey is all energy and is ready to go "bye-bye now" almost as soon as he wakes up. Naps are rare and short so by the time he goes to bed I am swamped and ready for bed myself. We have been going to the water park every week. Which has been great for building up his confidence in the water. But it takes me a full day to recover. Last week we went down all the slides in the kid's area multiple times and I was actually sore the next day. It is so much fun though. I love this age my child is in!! Anyway, here are some pics from our silly afternoon.


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Oh how funny! He is getting to be a little boy now instead of a toddler! I agree...summer is too fun, and the days pass so quickly!

Julie and Alberto Robles said...

Oh wow! Who's selling those? They look like so much fun. Tobey rocks! I'm going to buy a kid's meal from every fast food joint I can find.