Friday, September 5, 2008

Official 1st Day of School

Tobey's school actually started last week but he was sick and then we were out of town so today is actually his first day. He is so excited about going back to school. We have been praying together all week that he would feel better so he could go to school today. His appetite returned fully yesterday and he pigged out all day long. The only time he stopped eating was when he laid down for a nap. He greeted me at the door this morning when I arrived home from work and he was in the best mood. He even indulged me while I snapped some pictures of him waiting by the door for daddy. He looks so grown up. I can't believe I will have a three year old tomorrow. He kissed me at the door and as he was climbing into daddy's truck he said "I ove you mommy". He has been saying that for a while but it never ceases to amaze me!


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I love the backpack on his shoulders, and the lunchbag in his hands. So ready for school!

Amanda said...

I hope Tobey has such a great birthday! I wish we were there to do a b-day playdate with y'all. Congrats on three years of motherhood!