Monday, November 3, 2008


Last month when my sister-in-law and her husband were in town for a conference Jeff played pirates with Tobey and taught him how to say Arrgh...Matey. He went around for days saying it and it was really cute. I had been leaning toward dressing Tobey up as Curious George for our Fallapalooza at church. I decided to give him a choice in the matter so I asked him if he wanted to be Curious George or a pirate. Well of course he said a pirate because a pirate is cool like Uncle Jeff.

He was a great looking pirate although he refused to wear the eye patch. He did let me take one picture with it on.

I didn't realize how menacing the skull on his hat looked when I bought it. I hope he didn't frighten anyone at Fallapalooza.
Tobey got to hang out with Aunt Biz. This was in line waiting for the costume contest and he is asking her to go on the stage with him.
And she did like the loving Aunt she is
Then she went through the obstacle course with him.
After Tobey played games at church we drove over to the Fire Station to see Paw Paw who was working. Tobey was so excited and he practiced saying trick or treat in the car. We walked up and rang the doorbell but no one answered. Then we walked around to the back and saw that the fire truck was gone. Tobey was so sad. He cried on the way back to the car.
Then we met some friends for ice cream and I let Tobey eat as much candy as he wanted. He was so candied out that the next day he didn't even ask for any. Now for some reminiscing.

2005-Cute Baby


Tricia Welch said...

What a great costume! And, I love the trip down memory cute!

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh, Tobey was an AWESOME pirate! That is so sad about his Paw Paw being gone when y'all got to the station. Bless his heart!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Oh. my. gosh! Cutest little pirate ever!

Becca said...

Tobey was such an adorable pirate! I love the big hat!

suzy said...

Cassi you do such a great job with his costumes! He looks so grown up in his pirate costume! Love it!

Julie and Alberto Robles said...

Ahh, Tobey's had such great costumes. SO cute!

Janelle and Ella said...

OH!!! I am going crazy over that cute, little Tigger!!
I got a little teary eyed reading about how Phil wasn't at the fire station.