Friday, November 28, 2008

The Tool Man

The day before Thanksgiving Tobey and I went outside to help Rodney with the Christmas lights. I made a bargain with the hubs that I would help him outside if he would set the tree up inside. We have to do a fake tree because we are a house full of allergy and I hate setting that thing up. I love putting the ornaments on but I hate setting the tree up. So he set the tree up so it would be ready for decorating later and then we headed outside. We only got around to the ground stuff but Rodney was satisfied with getting half the work done. He is actually outside right now putting the rest of the lights up on the house. His cousin showed up to help and of course Tobey has to be outside with them so I am enjoying some alone time in the house and very happy about it. Anyway back to the day before Thanksgiving Tobey decided he needed his tools outside because he wanted to build something. He played for a good 45 minutes. I don't know what he had in mind to build but he was very intent on it and very cute.