Friday, December 14, 2007

Love Thy Neighbor, Part II

The basket of goodies for my sweet neighbor and her husband was delivered today. It was filled with all kinds of goodies. Brownies, butter scotch haystacks, blizzard party snack mix, and yummy oatmeal cookies. I got the recipe for butterscotch haystacks from Amanda and the oatmeal cookies from Sunni. They were both delicious. Thankfully there was a little bit of each left over for us to enjoy. It has been a wet and cold day. The rain slowed down for a little bit this afternoon so we walked our basket over. Mae was not home but we got to visit with her husband for a little bit while Tobey invaded their living room. Oh, the curiosity of a toddler.

This was definitely a highlight of my week. Our neighbors are so kind and gracious and it felt wonderful to give back to them. Other highlights of the week include a birthday dinner on Monday night with three of my closest friends from high school. We all met at Pei Wei and it was delicious as always.

On my actual birthday we just hung around the house. My man ended up being home all day so I had my two most favorite people with me all day long. We didn't do anything special. In fact, all three of us stayed in our pajamas until late in the afternoon. That evening we decided to venture out for groceries and grab a bite to eat. We called our good friends Greg and Rebecca at the last minute and they joined us for some On the Border. It was so nice to catch up with them and enjoy some good laughs. Another highlight of the week included a weight check at the pediatrician's office. I am thrilled to say that my boy is back on the charts and we don't have to go back to the doctor for a checkup until he is three. Yay! And lastly I was back to part-time work this week. The prior two weeks I had picked up extra shifts equivalent to working full-time and I was so drained. Plus, my house went neglected and the laundry went neglected during those two weeks. I was able to get everything back in order this week so that was a highlight too! And finally the highlight of my life. Tobey has learned how to cheese it big time. He does it mostly at random times but usually when he is doing something he knows that he is not supposed to be doing or when we ask him to show us his teeth. The only time he refuses to show that big beautiful grin is for a posed picture. After days of trying to record that big cheese in a photograph, I finally caught him with cereal on our bed and he turned on the charm and the cheese!


Charity said...

That is the most adorable picture of Tobey!! Landon is the same way...he won't smile for a posed picture at all! It makes me a little crazy because I would like to take him to have some "2-year" pictures made, but I'm afraid it will a waste of time and money until he will smile on demand! Ha!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

We need to see Tobey so we can experience his "cheesing it!" Too funny!

I had no idea you were working so much. I'm glad you're back to part-time. And I'm so glad you had a fun birthday.

That basket of goodies looks delightful! Lucky neighbor!

Janelle and Ella said...

I love his cheesing it up! That is so sweet!!!