Saturday, December 1, 2007

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

We put up our Christmas tree this past week. It was lots of fun this year because Tobey was able to help. I bought him his first set of ornaments. They are Sesame Street characters and he was very excited to hang them on the tree. He kept taking them off and rehanging them. We also lost a few of our glass ornaments when Tobey tried to hang a few. We quickly decided that the more delicate ornaments should hang up high and the more durable ones down below.

This is one of my favorite times of the holiday season. I love opening up our ornament box and reminiscing over the ones we have collected since we got married. I love unique ornaments and ornaments that tell a story about our lives and where we have been. Here are a few of my favorites!

I always think about our first year together, our little cozy apartment, and our first tree.

We bought this ornament while on our honeymoon in St. Thomas which was the start of a tradition. Now whenever we travel someplace we look for an ornament as a souvenir.

We traveled to Alaska with Rodney's whole family in tow so that I could be in my friend's wedding. Three weeks before we left I broke my arm playing softball. I felt horrible so I got a red cast to match my bridesmaid dress in hopes of not standing out as that girl in the wedding with the broken arm. I think it worked. My bouquet of flowers helped out also. That was a really great trip. After I finished up with wedding stuff we had several days to enjoy Alaska. We went on a day cruise to see glaciers and it was so amazing. We also became very familiar with the puffin which is the state bird of Alaska. They are the coolest little birds. They actually can dive under the water and when you see them from above it looks like they are flying under the water. Well I fell in love with the puffin. I would have brought one home to Texas if I could have but I had to settle for an ornament instead.

The ornament that symbolizes the greatest blessing in our marriage. We started our new life together as two....

...and now we are three. Sometimes I miss those care-free and spontaneous days when it was just the two of us. Life was definitely easier and less stressful. But I wouldn't trade anything for my little family or the overwhelming joy I feel when all three of us are together.

Oh how we love us some Mavs! Your tree is not complete unless it is decorated with a Dallas Mavericks ornament.

And finally my most favorite ornament of all. Honestly I can't even remember where it came from. I think it was one of those ornament gift exchanges at a Sunday School Christmas party. I'm not sure but I absolutely love this ornament. The picture does not do it justice. It is a handpainted water color of the nativity scene and it is just beautiful especially when the lights from the tree bounce off of it.

And that is how we rock around the tree in our house!

**Update** My bad! I just found out that the state bird of Alaska is not the puffin. But it should be. Those birds are everywhere in Alaska. Plus they are much cuter than the willow grouse.


Janelle and Ella said...

I love all of your ornaments and the stories that go along with them. I might have to adopt the travel ornaments for myself. That is a neat idea!

Amber said...

i like the travel ornament idea too! we love telling the story of each one as we put them up, but yalls stories are super cool. Thanks for sharing friend!