Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Conversation with Foxy Granny

Foxy Granny is coming to our house tonight. Yay!!! I called her last night and this is how the conversation went:

Granny: Hello? (speaking over the answer machine)

Me: Hi Grandma. It is me ...Cassi

Granny: Well I was just thinking about ya'll today. I bet that is why you called.

Me: I bet so. (laughing) What are you doing?

Granny: Oh just watching some TV with your aunt and sewing some quilts for the auction at the family reunion. I am one of the elders so I need to contribute to these things. I was just thinking about you today.

Me: Well, are you up for a visit this week or next week. 

Granny: Oh yes (and then quietly) but I don't think I can drive. 

Me: (my heart breaks) I will come and get you of course. How about tomorrow morning?

Granny: Well okay then. I can't wait!

It's funny but when I talk about her she is Foxy Granny but when I speak to her she is Grandma. I guess because I grew up calling her Grandma. She did not inherit the Foxy Granny nickname until years later after my cousin's little boy Maison was born. Foxy Granny is an amazing woman although she would humbly deny it. Growing up she was the best Grandma. She would always get down in the floor with us to play. Even now she will sit and play with Tobey. As I got older she was always slipping money into my pockets or buying me books because I loved to read. I was such a bookworm. I always had my nose in a book. I probably have the complete collection of Nancy Drew in my attic. And I was addicted to grandma's homemade plum jelly. She hasn't made it in years and I refuse to buy it because nothing in the store can even compare to hers. Whenever I would visit her I can remember her cleaning and straightening the house everyday and she would hum or whistle under her breath. She still does the whistling thing. It is so soft, almost like a whisper. She will probably never read this so I feel comfortable in telling you that she is also the gassiest person I know. She can walk around and let out a toot with every step. We laugh alot about that. I guess as you get older it is harder to hold it in. She is simple and quiet and always tries to find the good in others. She had some rough years after my Dad passed away and then my grandpa only a few years later. She was bitter for a while. I still remember the day that she took my face in her hands and told me she was done with the bitterness and she let go of it and never went back. But what I admire her the most for is her love for my grandpa. When he got sick with Alzheimer's she took care of him completely even when he became bedridden. She tried a nursing home for about a month but ended up bringing him back home because she could not bear him being there. So she kept him at home and cared for him. She did have help. A nurse aide came out everyday for an hour or so. But my grandma did everything for him for almost two years before he passed away. That is one of the many reasons that she is an amazing woman to me. I could go on and on about her but I need to get ready so we can go and pick her up. Tobey is excited about seeing his Foxy Granny and I am too!


Janelle and Ella said...

I always start out reading this stories thinking I'm not going to tear up. But they just get to sweet and I always end up doing so.
Y'all have fun with your Foxy Granny!!! Sounds like you definitely will.

suzy said...

gassier than me? :-) hope you have a great time! i'm sure we'll see pictures soon!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Have so much fun with Foxy G! I'm sure she's having the time of her life with you and Tobey today!

Krystal said...

I miss my Mamaw now! I must go call her right away! Hope you guys had fun! Karoline was enthrolled with Tobey on Saturday!