Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Anniversary to My Endless Love

Yesterday was my 7 year anniversary to my wonderful husband. I can't believe we have been married for 7 years. We dated for 7 years before that so in all we have been together for 14 YEARS! We started dating when I was 15. I had just moved to Texas so I was the new girl. I remember my girlfriend Lori came up to me in the hallway at school and told me this boy liked me. When she told me who I instantly knew his face. I had seen him my first day at school. When I moved to Texas the school year had already begun so I did not know anyone. That first day I remember sitting down in my new art class and when I looked up there was a boy staring at me from across the room. The desks were arranged so we kind of faced each other. I remember thinking he was cute and that he looked really nice. Then my schedule got switched around when I moved up to a honors English class. I saw him again a few weeks later though when my family attended First Baptist. My step mom knew his mom and they introduced us briefly and that was that. So it was months later when Lori came to me and I told her to tell him that I would go on a date but I didn't want anything serious. I never imagined that I would end up marrying that boy. We were both really shy and the first year or two we dated we did most of our talking via telephone or notes. We still have all the notes we wrote each other in a box in the top of our closet. They are really corny love sappy high school notes. But I cherish them. Most of our dates revolved around church gatherings or school functions. Our first date was a trip to the zoo with our youth group. I have a picture of us from that day that I wanted to post but I can't find it. We both look so young. My hair was so long and pretty and I was much thinner. Those were the days. So we survived high school and then college in separate towns. We married a year after Rodney graduated from college and I still had one more year of Nursing school to complete. I love having all that history with my husband. Youth camps, mission trips, proms, graduation, homecomings, etc... But I much prefer our married life. I have LOVED the last 7 years with Rodney. We got to grow up together, become best friends, marry, and start a family together. So when times get tough I don't have to look very far to see the blessings that God has poured over my life. When we started dating Mariah Carey was really popular. Rodney was already a big R&B fan so it's not surprising that "Endless Love" became our song and ended up in our wedding. To this day I can not listen to this song without tearing up and imagining our wedding day. 

Rodney, I am so glad you are my love. There is no one else I would rather share my life and my heart with. Thank you for being a wonderful husband and father. Thank you for being patient with me the last several years as I have adapted to my new role as a mom. But most of all thank you for being my very best friend. For listening and dragging the words out of me when you know I need to talk but don't know where to begin. I love you!


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Is it your anniversary?! Happy Anniversary to one of the best couples I know! Hope you get to celebrate lots!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

OK,now I read the whole post!

So sweet. I didn't know y'all had known each other that long! That's awesome!

Amanda said...

I loved getting to hear your story! It's so fun that you guys have been together that long. Your mention of Rodney loving R&B made me remember when we ran into y'all at Boys II Men. I only wish it had been Curtis who I slow danced to their songs with in 9th grade. Ha ha! Love y'all!

suzy said...

happy anniversary! i can't believe it's been 7 years since you tied the knot!!! man, time flies... i want to see that picture from the zoo!

Janelle and Ella said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Y'all are the sweetest couple I know. I'm so glad to know your story of how you met and how long you have known each other. That is very special.