Monday, May 5, 2008

Visiting Nana

Last week we took a little day trip to Oklahoma to see Nana. I had not seen my Mom in several months and she had the day off so at the spur of the moment we decided to drive up and spend the day with her. Tobey and I left as soon as we got up and ate doughnuts in the car. I love my boy. He loves getting out of the house and going. We arrived at Nana's around 11am and just had ourselves a good little visit. We went out for lunch and then drove to an area called Little Niagara in the Chickasaw National Recreation Area. It is a cold water spring and I had not been there since I was a kid. My mom humored me even though it was her day off and I am sure she would rather have relaxed at home. She was a really good sport and we made some nice memories that day.

This is the falls. It is rather pretty and the water was icy cold. 

I just love this picture of my son. He looks so grown up and handsome.

My mom was so cute as she searched the water for arrowheads and then tried to skip rocks on the water. Neither one of us was very good at it. Of course Tobey just enjoyed throwing rocks in the water.

We walked for a while on this path and the lighting was so beautiful. I love how this picture turned out. It was such a gorgeous day.

I couldn't resist just hanging back and snapping some shots of Tobey and his Nana. 


Janelle and Ella said...

Great pictures Cassi!! You are a great photographer. I'm glad you got to spend a fun day with your mom!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

You are right...the lighting was beautiful. And the picture of the falls looks like it's out of a magazine!

Is it sick that when you mentioned doughnuts, I can't shake the urge to go get some? What's wrong with me?