Monday, October 15, 2007

My Little Red Wagon

Tobey received a Radio Flyer from his Mimi and PawPaw on his birthday. He helped his daddy put it together this past weekend. On Sunday we went to a park near our house and he brought his little red wagon along. He was so excited and content to sit and be pulled along by daddy. It was a glorious day to be at the park. The sun was shining and there was a cool breeze. Some of the people there were flying kites and it looked like so much fun. We brought some crackers along and fed the ducks. They were very friendly and Tobey had lots of fun throwing crackers at them. He walked around saying duck and quack quack. I was very proud of him for using his words. I am still waiting for that language explosion my pediatrician keeps telling me about. Then we headed over to the playground equipment. Tobey took off running when he saw the slide. I couldn't even tell you how many times he went down that slide. Over and over and over. I was afraid that he would have a meltdown when it was time to go. But he was so excited to get back in his wagon for our stroll back to the car, that he didn't cry at all about leaving the park.

It was so good to bask in the glorious goodness of God's creation yesterday. We were not surrounded by majestic mountains or splendid seas. Just a small pond with friendly ducks and geese and a beautiful sky overhead. Since I have been studying Creation through a precepts study the Lord has been opening my eyes to His glory surrounding me. He is reminding me of His greatness and His power and His goodness. There is no one or no thing bigger than my God. There is no theory or ideas of man that can explain His glorious Creation. He alone is the founder of the heavens and earth. He alone knows the details of His Creation. It is good enough for me to just know and believe that He did it! He spoke and it came to pass!

"The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it." - Psalm 89:11

"How many are your works, Oh Lord! In wisdom you made them all..." - Psalm 104:24


Janelle and Ella said...

Tobey's and Jackson's wagons are making me want to get one for Ella!
Those are adorable pictures.
I loved reading your thoughts on God's Creation!!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

There's nothing better than a red wagon! Such a fun family day!

Charity said...

There is something about this time of year when the leaves are changing colors, the cooler weather and the days are just perfect that also make me reflect on God's greatness.

Landon got a Radio Flyer for Christmas last year. He loves it!

I LOVE LOVE the pics of Tobey in his sunglasses! Landon won't wear them on his face, but he will put them around his neck because that is what Brady will do with his sunglasses! Too cute!

What a fun-filled day!