Friday, October 26, 2007

Pumpkins Galore & Mimi too!

Yesterday, Tobey and I and his Mimi went to the Pumpkin Patch. It was the most gorgeous day ever! I went with great expectations of fabulous pictures but my boy would not cooperate. He was too busy running around and exploring so most of my pictures are of his backside. I did get a few great ones though. Interestingly enough there were actually two pumpkin patches side by side. One was the Pumpkin Village and the other was the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch. We pulled into the Pumpkin Village first thinking they were both connected. I mean they were right next to each other with only a fence separating the two. After we walked around the first one we decided to check the other side out. We really wanted a corny dog which I read about on the website and this side we were on did not have them. I asked this guy who was the cashier for the pumkins if they had food on the other side. Well he was a little put off and said he did not know what was going on over there. OOPS! So we made it to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch where we were informed that this was the "original" Pumpkin Patch that had been around for 16 years. It was all very strange. They were both great pumpkin patches but we were in search of corny dogs which we found at the "original" pumpkin patch. So these pictures are a mixture of the two pumpkin patches.

This was the only posed picture I got because I bribed him with juice. Oh, the depths a mommy will sink into for a good picture.

Running amidst the pumkins. Tobey was in awe.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the day. He looks so big!

Tobey loved hanging out with Mimi. It had been awhile since we had done something fun together with her.

Tobey picked out his own pumpkins. He needed one for school and a couple for the house. He picked his pumpkin out and carried it to our wagon and then went back for more.

Then he had to climb inside with the pumpkins. We were a little loaded down.

He was on the search for the perfect pumpkin!

And he found it!

Pumpkin House. I love how blue the sky is in this picture. It was the most beautiful autumn day!

A worn out boy. He sat in his Mimi's lap for almost two hours. She was loving it!


Amanda said...

Two words: HOW FUN! You took some great pictures. I'm so glad y'all had a great time!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

For some reason, I can't see the pictures, but I'll check back later!

Sounds like such a fun time!

Janelle and Ella said...

Hey. I can't see the pictures either. But I can't wait to get a look at them. I'm sure they are so adorable!

Janelle and Ella said...

Be still my heart. Those pictures are precious. I love the one where he is pulling his wagon full of pumkins across the field!