Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Zoo Fun, Blessings, and Family Benefits

On Friday Tobey and I made a trip to the Ft Worth Zoo. We met some of my friends from work and their two little girls. Tobey is already a zoo veteran and this was his 3rd trip this year alone. I should become a zoo member so I can enjoy some of those zoo perks. It was a great day but the heat was awful. I am so ready for some cool weather.

I love this last picture. It looks like they are discussing the plight of these turtles locked behind glass and coming up with a plan to set them free. Maybe we have been watching Wonderpets too much.

We left the zoo around 3pm so I could get home and drive out to my church's Ladies Retreat. There was a wreck right before we got on the highway and the traffic was horrendous. It took a full hour for us to get home where I showered and left quickly. I made it out to the conference center by 6pm. This Ladies Retreat was by far one of the best my church has planned. We had almost 200 ladies in attendence. The worship was AWESOME and great wisdom poured from the mouth of our speaker as she talked about having a mind like Christ. It was a wonderful retreat and I was so blessed by the music, the words, and fellow women of my church. Plus I won a door prize for the first time ever. I was so excited I ran down the aisle pumping my fist in the air. Soon I will treat myself to a free manicure. The most exciting blessing of all was when my sister-in-law showed up. She and her husband moved to Seattle about 3 months ago. I have missed her so much and it was so great to see her. I can't wait for all of us to make the trip to Seattle for a visit. So we got to catch up and laugh alot. She said she would ride home with me in my car after the retreat. Well, when we got in I soon discovered my air-conditioner was not cooling AGAIN. I just picked my car up from the mechanic three days before and the air had been working. She did not complain once all the way home but I sure did! It was hot and we were stuck in traffic. Now my car is in the shop again. Oh well such is life. I took my camera to the retreat and only took two pictures. The first is my mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and me. The second is my fabulous roommates Rebecca, Julie, and Lori who kept me up way too late talking. It was fun girls!

After church on Sunday we headed over to the fire station to eat lunch with my father-in-law. Tobey got to sit in a fire-truck. There are benefits to having a PawPaw who is a fireman. He loves big trucks. When we are in the car and he sees a semi or work truck he points and yells big truck over and over. So he was very excited about sitting in the big fire truck. He was in the seat that his PawPaw actually sits in. There was a look of wonder and awe on Tobey's face the whole time. There was a definite meltdown when we had to leave those big trucks.


Charity said...

I just love your blog. It tickles me how much Tobey and Landon have in common! He would have LOVED to sit in a firetruck! He also notices every truck that passes us on the road. We would have had a major meltdown as well when it was time to go!
I keep trying to figure out if some of his fits are the "terrible twos" creeping in on us. Lately he has been waking up from naps in a fowl mood! I am talking crying, doesn't want me to hold him, can't tell me what he wants. At first I thought something was wrong with him, you know the nurse side of me thought maybe an ear infection, or something. Then a couple of days ago when he got up, I suggested a walk which quickly got him happy. But when we got home, he pitched another fit. This led me to believe it is a two-year old thing, and not sickness!

Janelle and Ella said...

This is a sweet post!

You're right, the retreat was so much fun! It was a great one.

The zoo pictures...in everyone Tobey is looking at the little girl in yellow. I think he might have a crush. :-)

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Those pictures with the firetruck and Paw Paw are so, so cute! I'm so glad the retreat was amazing!