Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Mac is back

I cannot express how excited I was to sit down in front of our Mac computer last night. I immediately downloaded all of our pictures from the last week and a half. There were over two hundred. And I was able to fix the picture problem on my pumpkin patch post. The office is almost finished. There are still some finishing touches left to do. I was amazed at the work my husband accomplished this week. He is such a handyman. I am so blessed. Here are a few pictures of his handiwork. I just want to point out to you that he made these closet doors himself. And he did get the new flooring in. I was a good wife and stayed out of his way except for those times he asked for my help.

While the hubs was busy working on the office, I was busy trying to stay out of his way and keep a little boy out of his way. When daddy is around, Tobey tends to migrate to where ever he is in the house. Plus he was fascinated with all of daddy's big tools. Which was fine at times but it is hard to work when a toddler is up in your stuff. So Tobey and I tried to stay busy. Thankfully the weather was beautiful this week and we were able to get outside alot. We made trips to the park, went to the zoo with Ava and jackson, and went on a road trip. It was a busy week but lots o' fun. We drove up to Oklahoma on friday afternoon to spend the night with Nana (my mom). Tobey was getting a cold and his asthma also flared up that afternoon. I just brought his nebulizer along and gave him his respiratory treatments at my mom's house. It was so nice to know what to do this time. He was better the next day but still has some congestion. We had a good time hanging out with my family. It had been a while since I had spent the night with my mom. We ate dinner at the house and watched a movie. On Saturday we met up with my sister-in-law and went to this neat little park on the outskirts of town. I was able to snap some really good pictures of Tobey with his cousins. My brother and his wife have really had some struggles over the last five years but they are doing so well right now. Praise God! I pray that they can stay on the right track. They have three kids. Maddie is the oldest and just beautiful. Logan is the middle child and wild, wild, wild. Sean is only six weeks old and adorable. I got to cuddle with him lots and he made me want another one. Yikes! Tobey was very curious about him also. He kept playing with his little feet.


Amanda said...

I'm so impressed! It looks great!

Charity said...

Wow! Your hubs did a great job! It is great to have a husband who can do stuff like that! I am sure that was hard to keep Tobey busy and out of his daddy's hair! Landon is all about his daddy when he is home too!

That is the cutest picture of Tobey and Sean!! I love that look on Tobey's face! Looks like he might like a little brother or sister! Ha!

Janelle and Ella said...

Those doors are amazing!! Rodney MADE them?! How did he do that? They look great. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

The office looks fabulous!!! Way to go Rodney!

Unknown said...

Love the color, LOVE the doors! It looks so GREAT!

suzy said...

um... maybe rod wants to make some doors for our house... or teach shawn how to do it... looks awesome!