Thursday, January 17, 2008

See you on the Slopes!

Probably not but if you look here you might see me on the slopes. We leave bright and early in the morning for Ruidoso, NM. I just checked the weather report and it did snow last night. Yay! I am a little sad right now. I just put Tobey to bed and I could not quit loving and kissing on him. We exchanged I don't know how many eskimo and butterfly kisses. Bedtime is about the only time that he will let me kiss on him. During the day he usually pushes me away and says "No Mommy". I am going to miss my little man. We took our luggage up to the church tonight and my friend Mindy was already teary eyed too. At least we can cry together over the next five days. But I know he is in good hands. He loves his Mimi and PawPaw. So I am signing out for a few days. I am sure I will return with some amusing stories involving bruises and a wet tush. It has been five years. Hopefully I will pick it up quickly again on the first day. Yikes!


Janelle and Ella said...

I can't wait to hear about your trip!! I hope you guys had so much fun and have lots of funny stories!

Charity said...

I looked for you on the live webcam! I can't wait to hear all about it and see some pics!

I tagged you on my blog!