Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas 2007

I can't believe I am just now blogging about Christmas. We had a great celebration this year. My sister-in-law and her husband flew in from Seattle the Friday before Christmas and we had Christmas with Rodney's family the next day on Saturday. We spent the whole day together laughing and enjoying each other's company. My mother-in-law made a delicious meal. We opened gifts for hours. I mean literally because we go around the room and one person opens their presents and then the next and so forth. Tobey watched Small One for the first time. Rodney and I played a game of Sorry with Jeff and Shanna. Rodney won which was so not fair because he didn't want to play in the first place. Then on Sunday we had Christmas with Rodney's extended family. I worked Christmas Eve and arrived home Christmas morning around 7:30am and slept for about two hours. Then we got up and had our family time that morning. We fixed a little Christmas breakfast casserole and Rodney's Mom and Dad came over and spent the day just hanging out with us and playing with Tobey. My sister-in-law's were with their significant others so Tobey got some good one on one time with his Mimi and PawPaw (his two most favorite people besides Mommy and Daddy). I was off work the rest of the week and Rodney ended up not having any calls so he was off too. We just hung around the house and watched Tobey obsess over his new train track and basketball goal. We actually played a few games of HORSE ourselves while Tobey ran around laughing hysterically and chasing the ball. On Friday night we drove up to Oklahoma and had Christmas with my family. That night we ordered pizza and played my new Scene It game that I got from Rodney for Christmas. My mom made a big dinner on Saturday even though she had worked all week and was getting over a cold. I spent most of the day at the kitchen sink cleaning up after her so she wouldn't be left with a big mess when we all went home. My grandma and I managed to squeeze in a game of Gin Rummy after lunch and I won. I actually kind of felt bad about it. She is losing her eyesight and I think she was having trouble seeing the cards. I spent most of the game telling her the cards that had been played on the table. So I had a little bit of an advantage. I should have let her win but she would have scolded me for doing that anyway. It is exhausting trying to fit everyone in at Christmas time but I wouldn't dare complain about it. Family is a blessing and you just do what you gotta do. We were really blessed this year. With gifts-yes, but with love most abundantly! I apologize in advance for all the pictures.

Aunt Libby got some love from Tobey. He stayed like this for about 20 minutes and she was loving it.

Later he spent some time with Aunt Shanna and helped her wrap some gifts. He really enjoyed placing the bows on top of the boxes.

The guys hung out in the kitchen. Good for them!

Shanna and Jeff (the Northwestern tree huggers))

Tobey helped his Daddy out with playing Santa. He really got into it. I was so proud.

Then he got a little over zealous and started unwrapping one of my gifts! I quickly redirected him to his own presents.

Mimi got really excited about her mini muffin pan. Actually she was like this with all her gifts.

Tobey got some cool flash cards from Shanna and Jeff. We are finding out that he knows many more words than we originally thought. I think I am seeing the beginning of our languuage explosion. Praise!

Some gifts came with tears. Like these pearl earrings that Libby has wanted for years.

And this beautiful black and white bridal picture that was enlarged and framed for my father-in-law.

Then there were other gifts that came with a good laugh such as this black apron for El Jeffe (Chef Jeff). Jeff is actually a really good cook which works out well for Shanna who is not.

Tobey the train conductor with his Toby the Windmill

He was very serious about his train track for several days. I mean it was just about all he played with.

I gave Rodney a Mavericks Neon wall clock for his office and a few other things. We had a limit of $50 for each other this year and that clock took up most of my money.

I think Rodney went over the limit but I wasn't complaining.

Tobey spent alot of time in his PawPaw's lap over the holidays.

He even fell asleep in his arms one afternoon. It was very sweet especially when PawPaw fell asleep too.

this is my sweet little grandma holding my new nephew. I don't have many pictures from our trip to Oklahoma because i was a little worn out on the camera.

And Tobey was just worn out period!

Thanks for enduring my pictures and Happy New Year fellow bloggers!


Amanda said...

What a great Christmas recap. It was especially fun since I happen to know Rodney's family and all of y'all are some of my favorite people in the world! I loved Libby's pearl earrings picture and I am also dying to know who this significant other is!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I love all the pictures! You could never post too many! What a wonderful Christmas!

Charity said...

Girl, what are you talking about...I LOVED all the pics! I am so impressed to see your hubs in the kitchen! Were the guys cooking or cleaning? Either one is pretty impressive!!

Too cool that Landon and Tobey both got train tables! Landon didn't play with much else either! Thanks for sharing!


Janelle and Ella said...

I am teary eyed at the teary eyed pictures! The one of Liz and her earrings and the one of Phil looking at the picture of his bride. Oh my goodness! So sweet! I love your family! I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful Christmas!
BTW...I am a Sorry expert! We are going to have to play.