Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Date With Mommy

About a week and a half ago, Tobey woke up with a worsening cough and slight wheezing. We gave him a respiratory treatment and within 2 hours he was breathing rapidly and still wheezing. I went to pick him up to give him a second treatment and his little heart was racing. The second treatment did not help him at all so we headed to the doctor's office. The doctor started him on some oral steroids and gave us instructions to continue treatments twice a day and to keep him in doors for the next week. So this past week was rough but we have seen much improvement with his asthma. It was hard keeping him from playing outside because he LOVES the outside but overall he was really good. On Thursday I decided to get out of the house with him to do something fun so we went to the Children's Museum downtown. We were sad that our play date friends couldn't make it. Even so I am glad it was just the two of us because we had so much fun. It was kind of like a date. He was really good and he played really hard. We spent over three hours there playing, walking around and eating lunch somewhere in between. At first I told myself I was not going to take any pictures and just enjoy our time together but I could not resist capturing Tobey's energy and playfulness.

Tobey hates posing for pictures but I convinced him to sit in this hand. Of course he's not smiling but I was just happy he looked at the camera and I was able to snap the shot before he wiggled out.

Playful eyes!

He had so much fun playing in the little house especially the kitchen. He was very good at using the microwave and he couldn't find plates so he just used cups to put his steak and broccoli in.

Tobey was all over the puzzles. I was very impressed.

His favorite area was the fire station. There were fire coats and hats and a real fire bell that rang. And of course a fire truck with a slide.

His second favorite area was the fossil dig. I had to go in after him when it was time to go. I might have bribed him with skittles.

The skittles kept him awake for the ride home and then we had a glorious nap! The perfect end to our museum date.


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Looks like so much fun! We are so sad we missed it.

Didn't even leave the house that day...Ava was sick.

Janelle and Ella said...

Wow! That is awesome. This place looks like so much fun. Please go back so we can join you next time.

suzy said...

so fun! i can't wait for kai to be able to play!

Unknown said...

His papa would be SOOO proud of him in the firetruck!!!