Monday, April 7, 2008

Victoria/Last day

I have finally made it to the last day of our trip. I promise this will be quick although I do have alot of pictures from this day. We spent the majority of this day at Butchart gardens in Victoria. The gardens were beautiful even though most of the flowers were not in bloom yet. Our favorite was the Sunken Garden. It was absolutely gorgeous.

This waterfall was kind of the grand finale at the end of the Sunken Garden. This picture does not even come close to capturing how pretty it was.
We were able to get some fun family shots on this last day.
I LOVE this picture. It is a giant redwood tree and it was so beautiful. We decided that our next family trip would be the Sequoia National Park in California.
This is a ceramic bunny and they were hidden all over the gardens. Tobey received a map and each time he found a bunny we marked it on his map. At the end he turned it in and got a prize. This was really cool since he missed out on the traditional Easter egg hunt. He had so much fun searching for these bunnies and he was really good at it.

This is just a pretty view from the Japanese Gardens. Since there weren't many flowers blooming we got to focus on other beautiful parts of the garden like the fountains, and trees, and views. Although I am sad that we were too early for all the spring flowers. But it just gives us a reason to visit again someday. Plus there were a few other sites I wanted to visit in Victoria such as the lighthouse and this really old castle. Maybe next time...

We took advantage of the blooming daffodils!

This is a view from the ferry back to the mainland. The weather was much nicer so we ventured out to the deck this time. Our border experience was quite uneventful again and we arrived back at Shanna & Jeff's apartment in the early evening. We ordered take-out at a little place called Teriyaki Madness and ate on their living room floor. We all crashed in the apartment on this last night so there were bodies everywhere. Then we got up the next morning and flew back home. Tobey was asleep before the plane left the ground and he slept all the way to Kansas City where we had to change planes. The flight from Kansas City to Dallas was rough because we were all ready to just get home especially Tobey. But overall he did really well and was such a trooper the whole trip. We crammed alot of activity in just a few days but it was so much fun. I love vacation! I am ready for another one already.


Shey Harmon said...

It looks like y'all had such a great time. Everything is so beautiful! I was so happy to see your comments...I miss everyone down there so much. At least we can keep up with each other this way. Love, Shey

Anonymous said...

I was watching Little People, Big World last night on TLC and the mom took the daughter to Seattle, then rode a ferry to Victoria and they went to those same gardens. I started hollering for Greg to come see. Some of the camera shots were just like looking at your pictures!!!


Janelle and Ella said...

These pictures are absolutely gorgeous!! I have to go there. Y'all took some great shots. And I love the idea of the bunny search. That's so cute!

Unknown said...

These pictures are amazing...I think Brant and I need to take a little trip!!!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Love the daffodil pictures! You'll have to go back for the rose gardens! Girls trip? Tea?