Thursday, June 14, 2007

Fun-filled week and a tired boy

We have had a fun and exciting week with lots of picture opportunities. On Monday, Tobey got to spend the day with his MiMi and PawPaw. He loves being at their house. When I arrived to pick him up it looked like a tornado had come through the living room. Oh, how he cried when we left. On Tuesday we went to the waterpark and had a blast. My friends from work had planned this day back in April. Another one of my friends also came along. Tobey was the only boy but that's okay. He had so much fun. It took him a while to warm up to the water though. I mean literally warm up. He spent the first 30 minutes just standing around shivering. He was actually kind of scared of the water. He would not even go down the little waterslide. I went down with him a couple of times and he just cried. I am not complaining though, I appreciate his cautiousness. He liked walking around in the shallow water and splashing us the best. I was able to snap a few pictures while we all ate lunch and then again right before we left. This first picture is right before the waterpark. Tobey in his pool gear.

This is Audrey. She was the water baby of the day. The girl was not scared at all. She would even go under and come up spurting water out of her mouth. She cracked me up.

And Raylie. She was the first baby out of my group of work friends. Her mom and I were 2.5 months apart and she was the one who I asked all my pregnancy questions to because she experienced everything right before me. Raylie also was not scared and took right to the water.

And Emma. Emma's mom is one of my oldest friends. We met our freshmen year of high school and we also went to church together. We have been to camps, mission trips, world changers, and acteens events together. We were also in each others weddings. She is a teacher during the school year and lives an hour away so I don't get to see her very often. So it was fun to hang out. Tobey and Emma hit it off. They were chatting to each other over lunch like old friends.

Before we left the waterpark, we rested and had a snack. We spent three hours at the park and he was tired. Notice how he is lounging in his chair. I knew Tobey would pass out on the way home and he did.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Charlie. Charlie is my friend Melissa's nephew and she kidnapped him for the day from her sister. Melissa is also one of my oldest friends. We used to be roomies and she was the maid of honor in my wedding. She is a teacher also and so we try to take advantage of the summer days and hang out. We were going to swim in the pool but it wasn't quite up to par. So the boys just played around on the living room floor. Tobey had his first lesson in sharing toys. He did not like it. He kept taking things out of Charlie's hands and he did not understand when I told him to share. I am sure all he was thinking is these are MY toys. There were some tears but a good lesson in sharing was begun. They played really well with the ball. Although Tobey kept throwing the ball in Charlie's face instead of rolling it gently. It didn't phase Charlie though, he never cried once. Not even when toys were yanked out of his hands. He was such a good sport.

That night I snapped some cute pictures of Tobey watching So You Think You Can Dance and playing with his cars. Every once in a while he would turn around and grab a new car off the fireplace. Then he would plop back in position on his couch so he could watch the show. It was so cute. I watched more of him than I did the show.

And today we went to VBS. I was asked to help out in Tobey's classroom and that was alot of fun although he was a little clingy. I think he would have played better if I was not around. He got really frustrated because he could not climb up the slide in the playroom like the other kids were doing. We also made 2 crafts and he got his first tattoo. As you will notice his VBS shirt is way too big. The only size they had was extra small. The shirt hangs to his knees. He looked so cute with it tucked into his blue jean shorts. Plus, it helped hold those shorts up which usually droop because of his tiny behind.

And now he is taking a nap, worn out from an event filled week.


Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Cute, cute pictures! And the ones of him watching So You Think You Can Dance are hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Him watching tv is so cute!! He must have really been into the show! I have not been watching that one.