Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Generous Wife

Saturday June 30, 2007

Play Esther for a day. Take the time to soak in the tub. Soften rough spots with lotion and spritz on his favorite scent. Pick out your prettiest outfit and fix your hair. Meet your husband at the door and make him feel like a king.

Now the king was attracted to Esther ... she won his favor and approval ... Esther 2:17

This is a copy of an email I receive daily from a site called the generous wife. Every day there is a different tip or suggestion and verse or quote to encourage you to be a genereous wife and to bless your husband with little acts of kindness, respect, and love. Most of the time I skim over the email and delete but sometimes one will make me stop and think as the one above did. Since I have become a mom I feel less than pretty on most days and I am addicted to my T-shirts and my ponytail. Even when I do fix my hair, which is not very often, it ends up in a ponytail. I have been seriously contemplating chopping it all off. It has been a long time since I really dressed up for my husband and this email reminded me of that. When we were dating and even just pre-parenthood I always tried to look my best for him. I feel that part of me awakening again as Tobey gets older. The part of me that wants to be healthy and strive to look my best. So in honor of Esther I am starting my beautification process. My first task is to get in shape and lose a few pounds. I am finally joining a gym today that has a daycare so no more excuses. I really want to stick with it so please pray for diligence and determination on my part. And I probably need to give up my coke and sweets but I am really struggling with those two. For now I have made the switch to diet coke and I will limit sweets. Secondly I plan on getting a pedicure soon. I could just do it myself but I think my feet need professional help. Third, I will strive to limit T-shirts and make the effort to wear something cute when out with my hubby. And I will start fixing my hair more often. I may even get that new "do" and some highlights. Rodney would never say anything to me about my appearance but I know he will appreciate my efforts to be a "queen" for him.

If you are interested in being a generous wife click here the generous wife


Janelle and Ella said...

Thanks for the link! I had no idea this exsisted. And I appreciate the inspiration.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Love it! What gym did you join...b/c maybe we could meet there sometimes!