Monday, June 11, 2007


I don't mind bugs. I even understand there role in the master plan of God's creation. However, there is one bug I cannot tolerate. In fact I am deathly afraid of them. Waterbugs-you know the big nasty cockroachy bug that likes to hang out in the flowerbeds. I think they got the name waterbug because they seem to be drawn to the shower. They are the reason we are paying $40 a month to a pest control service. I just found a dead one by our patio door. Thank God it was dead because Rodney is out of town tonight. This is how bad my fear is. I can't even bring myself to walk past a dead one. I had to go to our garage, drag the shop vac into the house and suck that nasty creature up. Normal people would probably just get a paper towel and scoop it into the trash or flush it down the toilet. But I would rather use the no contact method. You may ask why is this woman so deathly afraid of waterbugs. Does she not know that she can crush them with the weight of her heel? Yes I know, but that is what fear is-irrational thinking. And I am very irrational when it comes to these foul bugs. And I have reason. About a year ago, pre-pest control service, I had an encounter. Well four to be exact. All within days of each other. It started in the living room. Tobey and I were having a glorious afternoon together. We were sitting in the floor, he unable to walk yet, toys scattered about. Scooter heard it first. A rustle back behind us near the couch. I turned to look and one of those darn bugs flew over our head and landed on the archway between our living room and our dining room. It was huge-at least 4 inches long. Uhmmm, I freaked out. Screaming, I picked up Tobey who immediately started crying (not because of the bug, but because of his terrifying and terrified mother) and we ran to his bedroom. Scooter is also barking at this time and running in circles around the living room. Of course, Rodney was out of town and Tobey and I were all alone with the really scary bug who flew. FLEW!... ABOVE OUR HEADS!...We sat in the nursery for several minutes and I realized I could not stay in this room all night. So I put my boy in his crib and ventured back out. I put on some shoes so I could smash that sucker and grabbed the broom. Boy was I scared. I was shaking and I had knots in my stomach. How could a bug reduce me to this state? I gathered enough courage and stepped in to the living room, prepared to knock that critter off the wall and end it all. Well, when I looked up he was gone. I frantically searched the floor. About that time Scooter came up behind me and started barking. Well I freaked out again, broom went flying and I retreated back to the nursery. I called my MIL for emotional support and she immediately came over. I told you-she has a heart of gold. She looked around and could not find anything. We ended up going out to eat because I could not just sit there in that house knowing that bug was somewhere, lurking. By the time we got done and she dropped us back at home, the fear had dissipated some. Oh I had not forgotten and was on the lookout the rest of the night. I finally found it the next morning when I pulled back the shower curtain-dead. Or so I thought. I went to grab it with some tissue paper and there was movement. I was able to drop it in the toilet and flush quickly. By this point I felt traumatized. These bugs were all I could think of. To top it off I saw two more that week. Thank goodness Rodney was home and killed both of them. I just might of fainted if he hadn't been. I even had nightmares for several weeks. It was so bad. But now we have pest control and I only see them occasionally and they are always dead. To this day, I still check the shower before entering and between the liner and the curtain. You never know...


Janelle and Ella said...

I am cracking up right now!! This story is hilarious, but I think we can all relate to it, which is probably why it's so funny. I become very irrataional like that when I see a spider. It's like I can't breath.

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

I HATE those waterbugs too. They are disgusting, and anytime I see one I call ASAP Pest Control because I feel like if there's one...there must be "others."

pinkmommy said...

Oh man, I know exactly how you feel! I am the same way about them. But spiders are worse for me, I have had several small heart attacks over spider encounters over the years. My defense...windex.