Friday, February 15, 2008

Mr. Toad and His New Bed

This is Mr. Toad and one night he decided that he was too big to still be sleeping in a crib and he decided to do something about it.

He pulled out his tools and went to work.

Before long he had figured out what needed to be done.

Mr. Toad was very determined and at last his work was accomplished. So he climbed into his new bed to contemplate.

He thought to himself, "my future's so bright I got to wear shades". (very corny I know but I couldn't resist)

He then closed his bedroom door and shut his mommy out. (true story)

That night Mr. Toad climbed into his bed and he was very proud and he felt very big.

Finally after being led back to his room only twice Mr. Toad drifted off to a peaceful sleep and had very sweet dreams in his new bed.

The next morning he awoke and smiled. It felt good to climb out of bed all by himself. He felt so big. Mr. Toad has adjusted quite well to his big boy bed and couldn't be happier.

The End.


Janelle and Ella said...

Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest story. I can't believe one of our babies is in a big kid bed. That's so exciting. He looks adorable in it.

Charity said...

That was precious!! I am so impressed with his abilities to take apart his own crib! LOL! LOL! I am equally impressed that he has adjusted so well!

I have been thinking about changing Landon to a big boy bed. However, he STILL gets up around 2am and gets in the bed with us! I have fought the good fight and tried to keep him from getting up in the night, but I have recently given up! I hope the tables will turn once he is in his "big boy" bed and maybe he will stay there all night! We shall see!

Congrats to Tobey for being such a big boy! (Maybe he can help me fix Landon's crib too! LOL! LOL! That really cracked me up!!)

I hope you get to feeling better!!

Love ya,

Murrell Family said...

What a big boy! I can't believe he did so well on his first night!

Sunni at The Flying Mum said...

Adorable bed! Perfect for the big boy!